Right Hair perming process

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Perming hair or curling hair permanently once booming. All straight-haired woman vying do perming just to follow the trend. They do not know about the advantages and disadvantages perming as well as whether or not the hair perming process in which they live. They just do not want to be labeled as a woman who outdated.

Hair perming process right would minimize the negative effects of perming hair. Because of that, prior to perming it helps us know the correct process of perming. What is the process that correct?
Hair perming process that really can be done through the following stages:

    The first thing to do before perming hair is to choose the tools and equipment safe perming. Whether it's drugs permingnya and supporting tools. If done at the salon, many are asking about this. If done at home, when buying equipment and supplies perming, make sure you ask in advance on the expert.
    Protect your neck skin. For example, by using a lotion or hand cream and body. This is because the chemicals for perming usually are hard to peel apart the scalp.
    Keep a towel around the shoulders. This is done to protect the neck and clothing from splashes or droplets of chemical drugs perming.
    For the hair into 4 equal parts. If done at home, ask for help from others. If done at the salon, experienced capster will do well.
    Wrap hair rollers in your hair neat and orderly in all parts of the hair (from top to bottom). In the process of perming, hair usually given a tip portion of paper first. Make sure the rollers are used in accordance with the type of perming you have selected. Big hair rollers will produce curly hair big ones or big waves. The small hair rollers is used to get the curly hair perming or small.
    Chemical liquid drops on each roll perming hair that has been mounted rollers slowly and carefully. Make sure all parts of the hair is exposed to chemical liquids. Do not get them on the scalp. There are times when this fluid can irritate your scalp.

    Take a few moments in accordance with the instructions contained in the perming drug packaging (eg, 30 minutes or 1 hour). In this state, the warm temperature and saturation will make the process of perming hair to more effective drugs. For that, use the headgear made of plastic during the waiting medicine works.
    After the specified time arrives, open hair rollers one by one.
    Wash hair with a shampoo that is gentle and suitable for your hair type.
    Apply neutralizer on the part your hair evenly. This is done to restore the condition of damaged hair by chemical substances when perming process.
    Dry hair with caution. Dry your hair with a towel would be better than using a hair dryer. This is to minimize the damage to your hair.
    During the 24 hours since perming, make sure you keep that drug perming hair that still exist in the hair is not damaged which impact on the perishability of perming.
    After 24 hours, then you are free with your hair.
    Keep your hair always from damage. Wear always shampoo or products hair care in accordance with the results of perming your hair.

Now that several stages of hair perming process right. Make sure everything is safe and make you comfortable. Remember, the health and safety of more mainstream. May be useful.