A while ago my father suffer some disease call typhus or typhoid fever, it’s a condition when you suffer a  continuous fever for 3-4 weeks, then the low white blood cell, anemia caused by intestine bleeding and low thrombosis.  in many developing country including Indonesia this disease is still becoming a great problem.

Typhus is a disease that caused by bacterial infection in the small intestine. The microbe call salmonella typhi germs or salmonella paratyphi A, B, and C .
That microbe come in to our body through our digestion canal then infected our small intestine. It can be infected also by food or drink that contain typhoid microbe.
It is very important to organize what food that can be consumed when we suffer this disease, so here is a few food that we can and can not eat when we suffer the typhoid fever.

A few food that good to eat are :
  • Carbo source like rice that made into porridge, baked or roasted bread, crackers, boiled potatoes, flour that made into pudding
  •  Animal protein source like tender meat, liver, chicken, boiled fish and boiled eggs.
  • Low fiber vegetable like string bean, carrot, spinach that boiled, or steamed
  • Ripe fresh fruit without shell and seed and not caused gas, such as papaya, banana and avocado

Meanwhile foods that is not good to consume are :
  •  Carbo source like Red rice, corn, sweet cookies and food that spicy and fried by too many oil.
  • Animal protein source that have too many fiber like tough meat and preserved meat and fish
  •  High fiber vegetable like katuk leafs, singkong leafs, and melinjo leafs.
  •  Fruit with seeds like apple, guava, and orange. And fruit that contain gas like jackfruit and durian.

That’s the list of food that good and bad to consume by the typhus patient, the purpose of this list is so the typhus patient can be more selective of what food they can consume so it can hasten their health. Hope it can be useful.