Types of Disorders of the Gastrointestinal and How to Overcome It

Sedang memuat Types of Disorders of the Gastrointestinal and How to Overcome It...

Various disorders of the digestive tract is any disease that occurs in the digestive tract, and can occur in any part of the gastrointestinal tract such as the stomach, large intestine, small intestine, duodenum, colon and even the rectum. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract is a variety of mild and can be treated with topical treatments such as constipation or diarrhea to a very serious and require medical treatment such as colon cancer.
Types of Disorders of the Gastrointestinal and Prevention

Here are some common digestive tract disorders encountered:

    Diarrhea . This includes disorders of the digestive tract are the most common, especially in children. The cause of diarrhea can vary, ranging from lack of food hygiene, wrong eating, infections, worms and others. The bacteria that get into the gastrointestinal tract result in a powerful stimulus to the intestinal mucosa which causes an increase in intestinal muscle movement, consequently food can not be absorbed completely. Acute diarrhea can be said if the diarrhea is more than 4 times a day with a concentration of feces that are increasingly liquid. Diarrhea does not cause death, but the accompanying dehydration can make people lose body fluids drastically which if left untreated can make the patient died. So, who needs to be very wary of is in fact not the diarrhea, but dehydration. Make sure people get enough to drink the liquid body awake. One indicator of whether patients with diarrhea dehydrated or not, look at the art of water quantity. During the quantity is sufficient, the patient does not become dehydrated. The initial treatment for diarrhea is to give ORS. ORS containing sodium, glucose, potassium and bicarbonate -all these contents to replace the fluids lost through excessive bowel. Give ORS in patients in accordance with the recommended dose. The composition of ORS for adults and children differently. In children, the sodium should be lower so do not give too much ORS to children because it will actually lead to hipernatrium where might the child fell into a coma.
    Constipation (constipation). Inversely with diarrhea, which is a liquid stool out with high frequency; constipation or constipation is a disorder of the digestive system in which sufferers experience faecal soiling so difficult to remove, even to cause extreme pain to the sufferer. Causes of constipation varies, ranging from bad makanyang patterns, stress, hormonal disorders, side effects of certain medicines, and could also be due to anatomical abnormalities. Prevention of constipation can be done by improving diet and increase your intake of fiber, while the treatment can be done by taking laxatives (laxative) according to the recommended dosage. But if so serious constipation (obstipation), surgery inevitably be an option, although such cases are rare.
    Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids). It is a digestive disorder such as dilation of veins in the network of blood vessels in the anus due to excessive pressure. Initial complaint usually is a discharge of blood droplets after a bowel movement. Prevention of hemorrhoids can be done by applying a diet rich in fiber, which is by eating lots of vegetables and fruits that large stool volume but still mushy, so that the process becomes easy and smooth CHAPTER because it does not need to push, where it can stimulate the onset of hemorrhoids.
    Colon Cancer. The disease is included in the third leading cause of death worldwide. Research shows that a high calcium content found in milk may protect against colon cancer attacks. Consumption of adequate amounts of calcium each day can reduce the level of risk of colon cancer. Therefore, as prevention, you should regularly consume milk and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. In addition, the consumption of calories, fruits and vegetables in a balanced way to reduce the high fat deposits that result in various disorders of the digestive tract.

Pay attention to the kinds of disorders of the digestive tract and consult your doctor immediately if there is any symptoms, so that the necessary actions to overcome these problems can be immediately identified and addressed.