Ouch, wounded skin, how to treat and get wound healing

Sedang memuat Ouch, wounded skin, how to treat and get wound healing...

This afternoon when I’m going home from work, a little accident happen, my feet is accidentally bump into some sharp edge so it’s injured and actually shed some blood. Well it’s hurt like no one business, so today I think that I would write an article about the best way to treat your wounded skin and get wound healing

So lets just started, there are a few tips to treat your wounded skin so it doesn’t left any scars when it’s healing. First, you have to keep the wound close, either with a ban aid or any other bandage. Keeping the wound closed is help to stop bacteria, dust, or any other irritation to contaminate your wound. Keeping your wound closed also helping to minimize that wound to actually left some scars.

Ouch, wounded skin, how to treat?

The other thing you should do is clean the wounded area. You have to try to clean up your wound, the best way to do that is by using some cold clean water and then sterilized it with some alcohol to prevent some bacteria contamination.

Do not scratch your healing wound. When your body wounded, the white blood cells will attack the bacteria that caused infection, so the fibrin will make some lump on your wound. And I know that it will make the wound feel itching and you badly want to scratch it, but don’t ever do that, because scratching your wound will only make it bigger and uglier. Just let the wound heal it self naturally.

Well, that’s some tips to treat your wound and so it doesn’t left any scars on your skin. Hope it’s useful for you as well as for me. And remember to always careful and take care of your body. Live healthy and keep safe and sound everyone.